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Soha Village Resort

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Soha Village Resort

A true escape to an unforgettable experience. Situated about 25 minutes away from Beirut, Soha village is a new resort containing chalet rentals, a full scale restaurant, Gazebos, Eco Lodges and many other attractions in the works. Embraced by Al Knaiseh Mountain and overlooking the Majestic La Martine Valley, our accommodations invites you to indulge in a sensory experience that will leave you with treasured memories.The settings delivers warmth and design style that pays homage to the rare beauty that surrounds it.While staying with us expect to experience a unique magical sunset that extends from a mountain top to the deep sea. Spend a night by a campfire, glazing at the crystal clear night sky and wait for the moon to sneak up on you.Then wake up to the distinctive sounds of exotic wildlife and bird serenades, to witness the true purity of the surroundings and the aromas of our pristine nature.

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Falougha +
Baabda District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Le Metn & Aley
Le Metn & Aley
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 3 345 008
+961 3 136 298