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Château Qanafar

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Château Qanafar
Château Qanafar is a family-owned and run winery with the goal to produce the highest quality wine possible. The key to our ability to produce one of Lebanon’s finest wines is that all our grapes come from 17 hectares of vineyards owned or managed by us. We believe that 95% of any wine’s quality comes from the quality of the grapes, so we never make wine with purchased grapes. Who knows how others manage their vineyards, what they spray (and when!), or if they irrigate to favor berry size instead of flavor?

With all our vineyards being located less than 10 minutes away from the winery, we harvest manually and bring the grapes into the winery immediately ensuring only clean & fresh berries enter our fermentation tanks. Most of our grapes are grown at an average altitude of 1200m on gently sloping & non-irrigated vineyards, yielding wines of exceptional intensity and crisp acidity. Our winemaking philosophy centers on minimal interference, producing wines that are true to our terroir. Cheers!

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Main Road
Kherbet Qanafar +
Western Beqaa District, Beqaa Governorate
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 3 250 342
+961 1 398 782