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Chaos Art Gallery

Galerie d'art
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Chaos Art Gallery
Founded by art collector Charbel Lahoud, Chaos Art Gallery is a creative and contemporary art space located in the heart of the art district of Beirut. Our gallery is a hub that collects art and offers a space for the local community. Our aim is the advancement of Lebanese artists by promoting their work both locally and internationally. It is a place of cooperating, creating art, exposing, and participating in international exhibitions and art fairs.
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14 Sursock Street
Beirut District, Beirut Governorate
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 3 761 769
Horaires d'ouvertures

Lundi: 11:00 à 20:00
Mardi: 11:00 à 20:00
Mercredi: 11:00 à 20:00
Jeudi: 11:00 à 20:00
Vendredi: 11:00 à 20:00
Samedi: 11:00 à 20:00
Dimanche: Fermé