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Dar Al Mona

Centre culturel
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Dar Al Mona

Located in the heart of Batroun, Dar al Mona is a house in traditional Lebanese architecture dating back to 1860, comprising of a building and two gardens.

The building consists of three spaces: the main Dar al Mona exhibition hall on the main floor, the lower Antiquity floor and the Neo-classic annex block.

In 2003, Mona and Sabah Abi-Hanna embarked on a remarkable journey, creating this haven for art and culture. After a short hiatus, Dar al Mona has reemerged with a newfound zeal. The grand reopening in 2023 was marked by ‘Capture’ art exhibition, curated by Beyxart, and the Batroun Springfest, organized by Batroun Traders Association.

The aim of Dar al Mona Fine Arts is to maintain its idenity as an art, design and cultural address. Dar al Mona’s building and gardens are open to a wide range of events including art exhibitions, cultural and music events, wedding and social banquets.

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1400 Batroun +
Batroun District, North Governorate
Région de Batroun
Région de Batroun
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 3 674 415