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LAU Louis Cardahi Foundation

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LAU Louis Cardahi Foundation
The Louis Cardahi Foundation was established by the Cardahi Family in 1995 as a tribute to a man who made praiseworthy efforts to revive his beloved city Byblos in all its past glory and to bring its significance as a site of world heritage to international attention. The foundation aims to be a cultural center for disseminating knowledge about the city and promoting research about its history and heritage. 
The Louis Cardahi Foundation is located in the St. Jean-Marc quarter of the old town of Byblos (Jbeil), next to St. Jean-Marc church. Its premises consist of a built-up surface of 217 square meters with a 71 square meter terrace. The property is divided into four main sections: the museum, the multifunction room, the digital museum and the library.
A governing board comprised of five LAU representatives and two Cardahi family representatives oversee the foundation’s strategic planning.
Prestation(s) en relation
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A la découverte de Byblos
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Byblos +
Jbeil District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Région de Jbeil
Région de Jbeil
Caractéristiques et classifications
Collections (4) +
Antiquités romaines
Âge du bronze
Âge du fer
Thème du musée (2) +
Histoire et société
Musée d'histoire
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 9 547 262 Ext 3911
Horaires d'ouvertures

Lundi: Fermé
Mardi: 09:00 à 16:00
Mercredi: 09:00 à 16:00
Jeudi: 09:00 à 16:00
Vendredi: 09:00 à 16:00
Samedi: 09:00 à 16:00
Dimanche: Fermé