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Mazen Kiwan Dance Academy

Centre des arts
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Fermé du 01-01 au 31-12
Mazen Kiwan Dance Academy
Mazen Kiwan Dance Academy is a dance and performing arts studio located in Beirut and offers a variety of dance classes with a main focus on Argentine Tango. Founded by dancer and choreographer Mazen Kiwan, it aims at encouraging people to choose dancing as their practice. Mazen Kiwan Dance Academy believes that everyone can dance, irrespective of their age or physical ability. That’s why they invite you to a dedicated platform where you can break your patterns and explore new dimensions through performing arts. By changing your body’s patterns, you can mold your mind into new positive shapes and become part of a new community. Their instructors are all available for private classes.
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Horsh Tabert, El Ghafary Building
Sin El-Fil
Matn District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Le Metn & Aley
Le Metn & Aley
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Lundi: Fermé
Mardi: Fermé
Mercredi: Fermé
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Dimanche: Fermé