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Musée Henry BB

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Musée Henry BB

Henry BB Museum, which stands for Henry Beirut-Batroun Museum, is a house-cum-museum that exemplifies and pays homage to Beirut and its Lebanese traditional architecture. 

The house was constructed in 2009 by Henry Loussian, after collecting relics and decor from about one hundred traditional houses that were demolished in Beirut (in regions like Achrafieh, Ain Al Mrayse, Ras Beirut, Basta, Borj Abi Haidar, and many more). The house was designed and built by Loussian himself as he put together the remnants of those Beirut houses, from tiles, to arches, to doors, etc. 

While living in the house for about a decade, Henry would constantly feel a desire to share this place and what it represents with the world. Hence, Loussian’s passion for Beirut and Lebanese heritage and his wish to commemorate and celebrate its beauty brought about the opening of the museum in 2021. Since its opening, the museum has been a notable experience for both local and international visitors and for culture and history enthusiasts. The tours in the museum have touched so many and ignited nostalgic sentiments - a trip down memory lane, a recollection of and reconnection with a long-lost but always cherished part of oneself.

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Saki Street
1400 Koubba +
Batroun District, North Governorate
Région de Batroun
Région de Batroun
Caractéristiques et classifications
Thème du musée (2) +
Musée d'art
Musée d'histoire
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 3 753 654
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