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Nadine Fayad Art Gallery

Galerie d'art
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Nadine Fayad Art Gallery
A fine art gallery committed to expressing modern and contemporary figurative painting and sculpture. We aim to make our gallery a leading landmark for visual arts where artists can exhibit and sell their works, whereas customers and guests enjoy a friendly environment and professional advice.

Nadine Fayad Art Gallery presents exclusively the distinguished artist in the Middle East, Raouf Rifaï a figurative artist, who has taken part in numerous Collective shows throughout Europe, United States, Middle East and Japan. He has also had more than thirty solo exhibitions since 1984, including his latest at Sana Gallery in Singapore. In 2010, he was awarded the first prize of the Sursock Museum’s Salon d’Automne in Beirut, Lebanon. His artwork has also been successfully auctioned at Christie’s Dubai.

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Tabaris, Chehadeh Street
Ashrafieh +
Beirut District, Beirut Governorate
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