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Musée Sursock

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Musée Sursock
Credit: Credit: Sergey-73 /

In an area filled with great villas, along the streets boarded with orange trees, the Nicolas Sursock Museum offers a great stopover. It is located in a magnificent particular hotel in Beirut offered by Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock in order to establish an art museum. Inaugurated in 1961, the vocation of this building is: highlighting the national heritage and encouraging the contemporary creation in Lebanon.

Concerning the importance of the national heritage, you can consult the file we dedicate to the history of Lebanese painting: you will find some of the great Lebanese painters’ past centuries works exposed in Sursock Museum.

Sursock museum also welcomes the autumn show every year. This show was launched in 1961 and it is opened to Lebanese artists, painters, and sculptors. This museum also proposes thematic exhibitions on painters or foreign artistic movements: Léonard de Vinci drawings, contemporary plastic arts from Brazil, and Arab art in Spain…

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Greek Orthodox Archbishop Street
Ashrafieh +
Beirut District, Beirut Governorate
Caractéristiques et classifications
Thème du musée (2) +
Art Moderne
Musée d'art
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+961 1 202 001
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