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Physia w 3asal
Physia w 3asal
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Physia w 3asal

“Physia w 3asal”, is an extraordinary and spellbinding love story, that exceeds theboundaries of the world we think we know, and defies our understanding of time and place. It’s a story about one relationship with infinite possibilities.

“Physia w 3asal”, is wild tragi-comedy, that stimulates the mind and captivates the heart; and takes the audiences on a sexy and gripping journey. It’s a play about love, hope, life, destiny, free will, physics and honey.

Starring: Rita Hayek and Alain Saadeh
Directed and produced by Lina Khoury
Based on Constellations by Nick Payne
Scenography: Hasan Sadek
Lighting: Mohammad Assaad
Sound: Jawad Chaaban
Costumes: Suzi Chamaa
Printings: May Ghaybe
Production Management: Mohammad Assaad
Stage Management: Nay Abou Fayyad & Lea Hakin
Media Management: Manar Wehbe
Sign Language Specialist: Nayla Al Hares
The play will be performed at Al Madina Theatre, Hamra
Starting from the 25th of April, till May 19th 2024; every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Doors open at 8:00 pm
Play starts at 8:30 pm sharp
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Événement par
Physia w 3asal

Période: Apr 25, 2024 - May 19, 2024

Prochain événement: May 19, 2024

Limite d'âge: Tous ages
Langue: Arabe

Gamme de prix: €€

Ras Beirut
Main Street
Beirut District, Beirut Governorate