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“WHISPERS OBSESSIONS” by Micheline Nohra
“WHISPERS OBSESSIONS” by Micheline Nohra
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L’atelier by Maher Attar is thrilled to host “WHISPERS OBSESSIONS” by Micheline Nohra curated by Muriel Asmar.

‘Whispers of Obsession’ is a solo art exhibition by Micheline Nohra showcasing 15 new artworks from different dimensions, it invites you to delve into the innermost thoughts, fears and imagination of the artist's soul. It is like a window into the artist's mind, laid bare for all to see. From the hauntingly humorous and beautiful to the unsettlingly raw.

‘Whispers of Obsession’ is a series of portraits, not of living individuals but of invented imaginary characters, clowns, grotesque ladies, old men and small creatures that completes the whole idea and balance of the painting. Micheline Nohra always manages to surprise with each painting and knows how to arouse people’s curiosity in mixing wittiness and beauty in her o:en figurative art reflecting the chaos in our modern life.

L’atelier by Maher Attar is a multifunctional creative space: Art Hub, Studio & Gallery.

Vernissage on Thursday April 18th | 6 -9 pm
Exhibition : April 18th | April 23rd
Opening hours : Tuesday to Saturday | 12:00 pm | 7:00 pm
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Événement par
“WHISPERS OBSESSIONS” by Micheline Nohra

Période: Apr 18, 2024 - Apr 23, 2024

Prochain événement: May 16, 2024

Limite d'âge: Tous ages

Gamme de prix: Gratuit

Beirut District, Beirut Governorate