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Fouha Boutique Hotel & Bar

Boutique Hôtel
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Fouha Boutique Hotel & Bar

This is the world of flip-flops & art, where you meet to laugh away the day and Bask in the night.

This is the world where beautiful is whatever you are today, happiness is just a sunset away, serenity is a walk by the water close, and a heart full of life is an easy filled cup.

Here we don’t promise the best of what the world can offer, but we do offer the best of our world, a few beautiful creations to admire, nice company, good bites, and a contagious desire to be in the best state of mind of your life.

FOUHA is not a getaway destination, it’s a place in your mind where you can get away.

FOUHA stays with you beyond your stay… This is the world where we all get a little Fou and share a lot of Hahaha-s.

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Old Souk
1400 Batroun +
Batroun District, North Governorate
Région de Batroun
Région de Batroun
Caractéristiques et classifications
Caractéristiques du lieu d’hébergement (3) +
WIFI Gratuit
Environnement du lieu (1) +
Belle vue
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 3 483 432
Horaires d'ouvertures
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