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O-Glacee is located on the Mediterranean Sea and it is in the 11th place out of 23 beaches in the Keserwan-Jbeil Governorate region 10.3 km away from its center, the city of Byblos. It is one of the beaches of El Masloukh settlement, just 1.3 km from its center. The beach is located in an urban area.

It is a spacious several bays coastline with crystal turquoise water and light fine pebble, so you don't need special shoes. The entrance to the water is quite sharp. This beach is suitable for different categories of people, lonely travellers, relaxation getaway lovers etc. It is partially crowded during the high season.

O-Glacee is fully occupied by beach clubs with restricted entrance. The beach facilities are only available to visitors of resort area. Their list includes, loungers and umbrellas, beach restaurant, changing rooms, toilets. There is also possible to take different water activities such as catamarans or jet skis. Daily boat rental service is located nearby. During the season this beach line is supervised by a lifeguard.

In addition to swimming and sunbathing, you can also take part in other activities, sea kayaking. This beach is popular for windsurfing or kiteboarding.
This beach is easily accessible, it is located very close to road. Parking is located directly on the beach.

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1400 Batroun +
Batroun District, North Governorate
Région de Batroun
Région de Batroun
Caractéristiques et classifications
Cuisine (1) +
Poissons & fruits de mer
Water activities (1) +
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