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Rafaat Hallab 1881

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Rafaat Hallab 1881

Since 1881, Rafaat Hallab 1881 SAL has been gratifying their customers’ gourmet fantasies with the most delicious homemade oriental pastries. Still improving on the legacy of the past,Rafaat Hallab 1881 SAL pastries are now a reference in Lebanese sweets WORLDWIDE.

Their craftsmen choose the best of nuts, pistachios, pine kernels, and other vitamin-loaded prime ingredients to give you the finest of oriental sweets.

The company policy is to maintain the quality of its products through selecting the best base ingredients and raw materials, improving the industry to satisfy its clients, and serving them faster worldwide by using modern packaging techniques, continuing to maintain this artistic and traditional handcraft through choosing qualified and experienced employees.

The company has implemented the ISO 9001,2008 quality system, which covers all the company’s operations and activities and applies to all employees, to ensure the best of quality at all times.

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