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Bakalian Bakelab

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Bakalian Bakelab
Bakelab is a professional hub dedicated to the perfection of baking using locally milled flour.

Equipped with state-of-the-art technology of Bongard (France), Bakelab is the first of its kind in Lebanon as the research and training arm of one of the most established flour mills in the country. It is the one-stop venue for baking solutions open to professionals who wish to develop their skills in baking technology.

Whether you’re an enthusiast, amateur, or professional you will be able to join our variety of extensive classes and workshops for baking. Our professionals will guide you and provide you with the technical knowledge you need to get it right every time. You will learn how to read and understand your dough and use key ingredients from scratch and, most importantly, have fun while preparing and tasting them!

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Karantina +
Beirut District, Beirut Governorate
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 3 114 380