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Beirut Dance Studio

Centre d'activités et de loisirs
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Beirut Dance Studio

To date more than 190 children from deprived areas in Beirut benefited from the project. Currently 15 children follow a professional dance training at BDS.

The Beirut Dance Project was launched for the first time in Lebanon in November 2009 with the support of Unesco and aims at offering professional dance training to children living in difficult social and financial contexts.

The project has two major goals. The first one is to grant access to the art world to children who live in difficult social and financial situations. This channel would offer marginalized children an alternative way of overcoming their daily problems through the psychological and physical benefits linked to dance practice such as self-confidence, discipline, mental strength as well as providing them with a powerful tool for self-expression.

The second main goal is to identify talents and offer young people a chance to achieve their dream of becoming dancers; thus creating a group of potential professional Lebanese dancers that would empower the dance sector in Lebanon.

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