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Naqoura Beach

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The Naqoura coast spans hundreds of meters from Al-Bayadah to the borders of Palestine, extending all the way to the town of Naqoura. The beach boasts a distinctive terrain characterized by rocky formations, including a shelf that dates back 20 million years and features an array of rocky cavities, water caves, and uniquely shaped shores.

The presence of freshwater springs in the area has contributed to the remarkable diversity of the region's biosphere, and the beach at Naqoura is considered to have the cleanest water in Lebanon, according to several environmental institutions.

Apart from its geological and biological wealth, the area is also rich in history. The rocky cliff, known as the Ladder of Tyr, lies to the north of the city and served as a vital crossing point for the coastline. It was traversed by numerous travelers, prophets, saints, warriors, and conquerors, as evidenced by the rock-carved stairs along the rocky shelf. Despite recent expansion projects that have neglected the privacy and environmental heritage of the area, a Crusader war tower still stands in good condition.

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Nakoura +
Tyre District, South Governorate
Sidon & Tyr
Sidon & Tyr
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