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Chahtoul Camping

Centre de sports d'aventure
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Chahtoul Camping

If you need to relax and get away from the daily stress of work and the city, then you are welcome to enjoy a unique experience at Chahtoul Camping.
Chahtoul is located 35 km from Beirut and at around 1200 meters above sea level. 

Besides the relaxing feel of experiencing the beauty of nature, you can also enjoy Camping. Spend the night in a tent surrounded by millions of stars and watch the flames of the campfire dance the night away.

Enjoy a game of Paintball in a fun and exciting outdoor field with various scenarios.

You can also enjoy Hiking, Climbing, Abseiling, Zip line, Archery and other activities.
Also, companies that are interested in team building activities can find a wide range of programs.

Chahtoul Camping is a special place to celebrate your birthday, your bachelor party or any other special occasion.

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Keserwan District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Région de Kesrouan
Région de Kesrouan
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 70 302 040