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Monastery and church of Christ the King

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Monastery and church of Christ the King

In 1950, Abouna Yaacoub wanted to erect a statue for Christ the King and so the process began. While working, the workers uncovered an underground natural grotto. When he received the news, Abouna Yaacoub declared that the grotto would become a shrine in honor of the Virgin Mary: The church was constructed in the year 1951 and its dome was crowned with a statue of Christ the King. The statue, designed by Italian artist Ernesto Pallini, sours at 12 meters in height and weighs about 75 tons.

After the death of the founder, the home of Christ the King was expanded and transformed into a center for spiritual radiation.

The hill on which the statue was erected became known as  “The Ruins of Kings” in Zouk Mosbeh, Keserwan district, Mount Lebanon Governorate. Jesus refers to the statue of the Virgin Mary with his right hand, in the temple of Our Lady of Lebanon, and with his left hand to the righteous educator, towards the convent of Saint Joseph of The Tower. The site is located about 13 km away from Beirut and rises 90 meters above the sea level.

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Zouk Mosbeh
Keserwan District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Région de Kesrouan
Région de Kesrouan