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Boukaat Loubnan Trail: Anti-Lebanon Trail - Al Qaa
Al-Qaa section is the trailhead of the Anti-Lebanon Trail. This segment crosses the highlands at the east of Al-Qaa village. The trail kicks off at Qanayet al-Sit Balkis, the ancient Roman water canal that reaches the summer tent settlements of the shepherds in "Wadi al-Mouaalwaj". From this point forward, the path climbs towards the paved road leading to "Sobbit Baayoun Hill", then reaches a crossing towards the East with a 30-minute climb along the path, followed by a descent toward the Valley of "Khirbet al-Dmayneh" leading to the shepherds’ winter settlements. From this spot forth, the trail follows a steep climb to reach the plateau and the cross of Al-Qaa. The descending old path that follows leads to the Sitt Balkis Canal and the church of Saint Rita.

More information on Boukaat Loubnan Trail website.

Trail Highlight

This section encompasses numerous points of interest, chief among them Qanayet Sit Balkis, Wade el Maawlej, Khirbet el Dmayneh shepherds, and the cross of Al-Qaa. Once in the town of Al-Qaa, hikers can enjoy a rural tour consisting of vising the old mud houses, the Lime workshop, Fakher ed Dine remaining castle, the statue of the Virgin Mary, the serene Al-Qaa lake, the watermill, Saint Elias and Saint Rita churches, and Georges Farha residence. The Sitt Balkis Canal is another point of attraction. There’s a castle next to it known as The Castle of Sitt Balkis, which used to also take water from this canal, thus the inspiration of its name. Kindly note that these trails request a special permission from the Lebanese Army, which is only granted for Lebanese citizens with national IDs. Please call Boukaat Loubnan Trails to arrange you a guided hike. 

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Proposée par
33 North
33 North
Emplacement du début du sentier
Kaa +
Baalbek District, Baalbek-Hermel Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
14 KM
Niveau de difficulté:
Ascension totale:
702 m
Descente totale:
566 m
Altitude Maximum:
1282 m
Altitude Minimum:
841 m
À prévoir
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