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Boukaat Loubnan Trail: North-Beqaa Trail - Yamouneh To Aqoura
This trail starts in the Yammouneh village and goes up in the mountain towards the Aqoura village. The end of this section is a connection between Boukaat Loubnan trails and the Lebanon Mountain Trail. The trail starts at the Wade el Khayl located on the borders of Yammouneh and climbs towards the Aqoura high plateau. The whole trail is a dirt road crossing the plateau. The climb ends at Tallet Al Jamii, an ancient building dating from the Lebanese civil war. From that location, the views are rewarding over the Anti Lebanon Mountain Range, the Bekaa Valley, and the Yammouneh Lake, all the way to Ouyoune Orgosh and Daher el Qadib, Lebanon's highest mountain plateau. After that point, the hike follows a dirt road through the Aqoura plateau. It crosses an ancient inscription dating from the era of the Roman Hadrian Emperor. This section also meets with section # 11 of the Lebanon Mountain Trail going from Aqoura town to Afqa. The section ends at the mountain paved road leading to the Aqoura town. 

More information on Boukaat Loubnan Trail website.

Trail Highlight

Roman Emperor Hadrian (134 AD) used to spend his summers in what is known today as the Yammouneh nature reserve that he declared as "portected", banning anyone from cutting its trees. Major points of interest include the Yammouneh lake which is fed by the spring of the forty martyrs (Ain Arbaeen). When you reach the Aqoura high plateau, you will be rewarded with breathtaking views of the village, especially from the Church of Our Lady of Imprisonment in Aqoura (Saydet el Hebs). Caving lovers can explore the Roueiss cave located in Aqoura or even extend their stay and take a hike on the Lebanon Mountain Trail. In Yammouneh, one can enjoy trout fishing at the lake and visit Nabee el Arabaiine ruins. Snowshoeing and backcountry skiing lovers can enjoy exploring the high plateau of Aqoura and Yammouneh in winter, or go on a simple walk around the lake. 

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Proposée par
33 North
33 North
Emplacement du début du sentier
Yammouneh +
Baalbek District, Baalbek-Hermel Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
12 KM
Niveau de difficulté:
Ascension totale:
970 m
Descente totale:
970 m
Altitude Maximum:
2213 m
Altitude Minimum:
1336 m
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