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LMT Section 1: El Qammouaa to El Qobayat
From el Qobayat el Qammouaa main road, follow the marking to an impasse then walk along the uncleared path to the dirt road. Continue along this dirt road until you reach a shepherd’s farm then continue along the uncleared path until you reach the spring of Ain Tabet. From there, follow the footpath downhill passing thru a pine forest. At the dirt road intersection, take a right turn and continue on downhill following the marks where the path is not cleared anymore. Continue over a flat rock formation until you reach the Ain Zabboud spring, then follow a water canal downhill until you reach some isolated houses on a dirt road. Continue straight on and then take a left turn and walk a few meters before taking a right turn along an uncleared dirt road until you reach the top of the hill. From there, walk along a tiny footpath that crosses a dry stream to the right and then follow the dirt road that will take you to Mar Sarkis and Bakhos churches. From there, take a winding path to the paved road, walk along it past a few houses before taking a cleared footpath that reaches Nabaa el Abiad spring. From there, take the paved road and enter the parking of Saint Chalita Church. Before reaching the metal door entrance, take the paved road to the right and pass a metal door before following a footpath that connects with a water canal. Continue until you  reach a dirt road leading to the resort of Graneroverde. Pass it and follow the water canal to the Ain el Sett spring and from there, continue along it before going left onto the paved road which you follow as far as el Carmel monastery where section 1 ends.
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Emplacement du début du sentier
El Qammouaa
Akkar el Atika +
Akkar District, Akkar Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
15.5 KM
Ascension totale:
Descente totale:
Niveau de difficulté:
À prévoir
Prendre un chapeau ou une casquette
Prendre une bouteille d'eau
Porter des chaussures confortables
Vêtement en fonction de la saison
Chaussures de marche