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LMT Section 13: From Faraya(Chabrouh) to Kfardebiane
This trail starts under the Monastery of Our Lady of assumption and goes on the road toward Nabaa el Aasal spring and the water pipe which crosses over the stream from the Nabaa el Laban spring. When you arrive at the top of the “Jisr el Hajar” of Kfardebian (natural bridge), the trail continues over a hill lake and joins a concrete water canal to reach the Faqra ruins and temple. From there, a footpath runs towards a dirt road which passes by a quarry before reaching an umbrella pine forest. Follow a new path downhill towards the orchards by the stream, passing a concrete bridge. Continue over another bridge onto the main paved road which leads you to some orchards beside the stream. Cross it by a ruined watermill and start climbing towards Kfardebian village. You can either continue towards section 14 or finish next to Mar Ephrem church in the village by using the connecting trail.
Étapes & points d'intérêt
From Faraya(Chabrouh) to Kfardebiane
Explore the different points of interest along the trail.
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Emplacement du début du sentier
Resurrection Monastery
Faraya +
Keserwan District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
12.2 KM (Distance to Faraya village is 13.2km), (Distance to Kfardebian village is 13km)
Ascension totale:
Descente totale:
Niveau de difficulté:
À prévoir
Prendre un chapeau ou une casquette
Prendre une bouteille d'eau
Porter des chaussures confortables
Vêtement en fonction de la saison
Chaussures de marche