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LMT Section 1A: From Andket to El Qobayat
This trail takes you from Andket to El Qobayat. Its level of difficulty is moderate. 
Total ascent: 400m, Total descent: 375m.
Étapes & points d'intérêt
Start of the trail in Andket town
Trail starts in Andket town on the main road from the village square. Walk through the town southeast and take the dirt road downhill then a path towards the valley floor that will lead you to a water canal south of Ouadi Oudine.
Into the forest
Continue on a footpath leading uphill along the stream until you enter a forest of pine and oak. Walk along a dirt road leaving another one that crosses to your right the stream. Continue left uphill until you reach a narrow trail that runs through a dense pine forest.
To the Carmelite monastery
From there, walk towards the paved road until you reach a restaurant. Then, take the dirt road to the left and walk downhill to the main el Qobayat paved road. Continue one kilometer north, and then turn left to reach the Carmelite monastery (Les Demeures) where this section ends.
A monastery and eco lodges
Cross the stream to the right-hand side of the valley and walk down an uncleared path until you reach another dirt road that leads to the Monastery of Saint Elias at Nabaa el Charqi (east spring). From this point, walk along the paved road and then take the dirt road on your left. 
Further on, take another dirt road to your left and start a hard climb to the top of the hill under the electricity poles towards a concrete water reservoir where you will arrive near “Jabalna” Eco Lodge. 
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Emplacement du début du sentier
Village square
Andaket +
Akkar District, Akkar Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
Niveau de difficulté:
400 m
Perte d'altitude:
13 KM
À prévoir
Prendre un chapeau ou une casquette
Prendre une bouteille d'eau
Porter des chaussures confortables
Vêtement en fonction de la saison
Chaussures de marche