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LMT Section 2: From El Qammouaa to el Qemmamine
The trail starts where section 1 ends, on the road between Karm Chbat and el Qammouaa plateau, the trail goes down on darb el Inkliz (The British road) and immerse into the Juniper, Cedars and Fir forests, it crosses 2 springs (Ouadi el Blat and el Hajal) before reaching the heart of Jabal el Aarouba, the trail continue to reach the dirt road after several kilometres crossed, go right downward to reach the paved road, cross it and take another dirt road until you reach the communication tower, take a footpath right reaching the cliff (Chir Kezbar), cross it down toward a dirt road, continue and pass by a beautiful plain surrounded with juniper trees, past by it and reach the paved road at al Ayoun, take a dirt road passing by Ain el Hajal toward Ouadi Hakl el Kherbeh, once you reach the bottom of the valley take a footpath to the right, continue downward until you cross the river, climb and take a dirt road to reach Nabaa Kef el Tine, pass it to the other side and take a newly opened road leading to el Qemmamine village, this section ends at the village spring.
Étapes & points d'intérêt
From El Qammouaa to el Qemmamine
Explore the different points of interest along the trail.
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Emplacement du début du sentier
Akkar el Atika +
Akkar District, Akkar Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
Niveau de difficulté:
Very Difficult
Ascension totale:
Descente totale:
24.5 KM
À prévoir
Prendre un chapeau ou une casquette
Prendre une bouteille d'eau
Porter des chaussures confortables
Vêtement en fonction de la saison
Chaussures de marche