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LMT Section 21:  From Niha to Jezzine
From Niha main square, retrace your steps to where you ended section 21. Then walk a few meters down the main road that takes you to Niha Fort before crossing the stream. From there, take a left turn and walk a short distance along the paved road. Leave it at the steps on the right-hand side and start climbing towards el Nabi Ayoub Shrine. Once you reach the main square, take the small road near the toilets and then follow the dirt road for several kilometres before walking down to the hill lake, passing by Ain el Halkoum spring. Arriving at the dirt road intersection, you have two options. Either leave the LMT and take the road towards Niha Fort or continue left along the dirt road that will lead you to a hill. From there, you need to cross over the old fortifications and take a clear footpath that leads to a dirt road. Continue on it but before reaching the bed river leave the dirt road  to the right and walk towards the stream on a clear footpath. Take the footpath along the river, crossing it in different places before continuing towards some steps that lead to the main paved road. Continue to the Nabaa Jezzine spring on the paved road where this section ends at the signposts.

Important to know

  • There are no difficult passages along this section; the trail consists of dirt & paved roads and footpaths.
  • This section is completely marked. This section goes through the Shouf Biosphere Reserve.
  • If you plan to walk alone, please inform the LMTA about the dates of your trip at [email protected] and ask for the GPS track.
  • For your stay and hike, contact the guesthouse or the guide few days before you start your trip.
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Emplacement du début du sentier
Niha Main Square
Niha Chouf +
Chouf District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
14 KM
Ascension totale:
Descente totale:
Niveau de difficulté:
À prévoir
Prendre un chapeau ou une casquette
Prendre une bouteille d'eau
Porter des chaussures confortables
Porter des vêtements confortables
Chaussures de marche