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LMT Section 4: From Kfar Bebnine to Bqaa Sefrine
Start your trip near the municipality by walking towards the info panel. Head towards the water canal and continue along a difficult passage to reach a dirt road. Walk along this road before leaving it to the left to climb towards a footpath between the orchards and along a water canal where you will reach the paved road once again as well as finding two concrete water reservoirs. From there take a right turn and go along the paved road until you reach a water canal and then continue upward along the road, once you finish the turns take a water canal to the right into the juniper forest before arriving at a dirt road which leads to apple and pear orchards. Follow this road few hundred meters than leave it to the left toward the water canal where you will reach a delicate cliff passage equipped with chains. After that, leave the water canal to climb up to the paved road, cross the road and continue on a dirt road than another paved road than leave this road to the right on another dirt road  to reach a concrete water canal before reaching Nabaa el Sukkar spring. From there, climb up to the paved road and walk a short way along it before turning right onto a dirt road leading above a river bed.  From there, walk along a water canal until you reach a dirt road after the orchards. Continue until you arrive at el Nabi Othman shrine under the remarkable oak trees before crossing the paved road left and walking towards Bqaa Sefrine along the concrete water canal. This section ends where the canal terminates at the paved road and from there you can continue towards Ehden or go down to the village of Bqaa Sefrine. No info panels or signs on site. 
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Emplacement du début du sentier
Kfar Bebnine +
Miniyeh-Danniyeh District, North Governorate
Caractéristiques du sentier
14.1 KM
Ascension totale:
Descente totale:
Niveau de difficulté:
À prévoir
Prendre un chapeau ou une casquette
Prendre une bouteille d'eau
Porter des chaussures confortables
Vêtement en fonction de la saison
Chaussures de marche