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Body Factory

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Body Factory

Welcome to BODY FACTORY… Beirut’s leading gym and fitness center.

The only way you can enjoy life to the fullest is if you are healthy and fit. Our goal at Body Factory is to help you achieve your fitness goals by tailoring exercise and workout programs that are best suited to your needs. With a team of certified fitness professionals, we help you with:

- Personal Attention: Our qualified and experienced personal trainers take the time to understand your lifestyle habits, medical history and fitness goals to formulate the best exercise regimen for you. You can also choose one-on-one sessions with trainers and learn the correct techniques to ensure safe workouts.
- Motivation: Many people fail to achieve their health goals because they lose the motivation to work hard. There are no short cuts to fitness. On the other hand, it is only natural to have off days. Our responsibility is to ensure that you get back on track and remain fully charged to achieve your goals.
- Guidance and Monitoring: The best way to stay motivated is to set short term goals that lead to your long term health goals. Our team of professional trainers will help you monitor your progress through each short term goal, tweaking your workout program regularly based on these reviews to ensure that you get the best results and never feel stuck at a plateau.

Fitness Programs at Body Factory: 

  •  Zumba
  •  Pilates
  •  TRX
  •  Cross-Fight
  •  Fight Do
  •  Power
  •  X55
  •  MMA
  •  Factor F
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Al Madina 487 Buidling, Bloc C, Ground Floor Mar Roukouz, Ed Dekouâné
Matn District, Mount Lebanon Governorate
Le Metn & Aley
Le Metn & Aley
Prenez contact avec nous
+961 81 776 652
Horaires d'ouvertures

Lundi: 7:00 à 00:00
Mardi: 7:00 à 00:00
Mercredi: 7:00 à 00:00
Jeudi: 7:00 à 00:00
Vendredi: 7:00 à 00:00
Samedi: 8:00 à 19:00
Dimanche: Fermé