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Batroun: Where Nature and Community Come Together
Batroun: Where Nature and Community Come Together
Marian Hovagimian

Are you finding life increasingly challenging and overwhelming, and searching for a place to rediscover yourself? Look no further than Batroun - a stunning region in Northern Lebanon that has captured the hearts of many visitors. This picturesque area and its warm, welcoming community will leave a lasting positive impression on your soul, to be cherished long after you leave. One such person who has experienced this profound sense of rejuvenation is Najla Ammouri, co-owner of the enchanting Abdelli Terraces.

“My partner Nabil saw the piece of land in Batroun and he immediately loved it. It didn’t originally start off as a business. First, he wanted to have his own place to disconnect from the chaotic life. To just sit around with his family and enjoy his time with them,” explains Najla Ammouri. Batroun had already shown itself as a region of peace and comfort for those who want to take a break from a difficult life. “The area itself helped us achieve our goal. Through Batroun, we were able to become a holistic place where people can connect with nature and disconnect from life’s stressors. We organize these retreats where we bring people back to basic life through nature, finding their purpose, and what they love. We studied many Indian philosophies. Connecting with nature helps you find yourself. We love seeing people transform when they visit, even for an hour, a day, or a week.” Moreover, this idea of returning back to basic life and finding yourself is enhanced by the community coming with a helping hand. “You’re happy when everyone around you is happy; when it’s one team working for a common higher purpose.”

In Batroun: The Beach, Scenery, and Lemon Trees

Najla Ammouri is not originally from the region; she is originally from the Zahle region in Lebanon. “I am in love with the area (Batroun). I was living outside of Lebanon. I loved it because of its beauty. We are part of the bigger community here. You have the beach, you have the mountains, you have all kinds of restaurants and entertainment. I love Lebanon and I especially love this part of Lebanon.  Not to forget the hospitability of the people! In other regions, you will visit there and you’ll be a foreigner. Meanwhile, in Batroun, you will never be a stranger, that’s for sure. If you go out, for example, to go to the shops and gather things, people will go the extra mile to help you find what you need to find. You have everything you need in Batroun. ”

Besides the hospitability and genuineness of the people who capture your heart, there’s the scenery that captures your eyes. “I love the openness of the view. You see the mountains, the beach, and the sea. You see all the flowers blossoming. I’ve lived in many places, and I adapt very quickly. Of course, I loved living in my hometown as a kid, but I was away from the sea. So, currently, living near the beach is something priceless for me. I love being able to swim here every day. I swim, I go out and walk, I do yoga. There is a lot of activities you can do here in this region,” Ammouri describes. “And the area is so welcoming. And it’s also so sensational. For example, the smell of the lemon trees. You find a lot of plants here but this stood out for me. Probably because it reminded me of the proverb ‘When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.’”

Batroun, a treasured place

All in all, Najla Ammouri wraps up her story with an essential message to whoever is considering visiting Batroun or Lebanon one day. “There is a lot of pain and depression in life, and everyone can make a difference. Of course, there are so many beautiful places in the whole world but Batroun is one of these treasured places. There is a lot of magic here, you just have to leave your phone and focus on connecting with nature. It’s a place away from home but you can call it home. There are a lot of different hidden gems here. They will talk to you and they will be a place for you to redefine what your purpose is in life. I’ve lived and traveled to a lot of different places but this place is truly different and beautiful.”

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