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Ain Ebel
Les sentiers
Guides rattachés

AWFA = The acronym stands for: Activists working for Ain Ebel a Lebanese local NGO, founded in 2008. During Israel’s war on Lebanon in 2006, the village of Ain Ebel was partially destroyed and most of its population displaced for the time of the war. During and in the aftermath of the war, a group of youth dedicated themselves to providing aid to those who had been displaced, securing shelter, food, and other basic necessities. As soon as the war ended, they took it upon themselves to clean up the village, removing the debris of destruction and ensuring that basic necessities were available for the safe return of those who had been displaced. However, their lack of a legal framework was a hindrance, which led to the idea of forming a non-governmental organization (NGO), and hence AWFA was born.

Vision: Sustainable and rural development in Ain Ebel and the surrounding areas”.

Mission: AWFA’s mission is to empower the local community to lead sustainable and dignified lives in their villages by addressing their diverse needs. We strive to prevent migration to urban areas and promote the growth and prosperity of the community through our initiatives.

Objective: Our goal is to enhance the quality of life of the community by providing them with the necessary resources and support to achieve self-sufficiency and sustainable development.
AWFA’s objective is contribute to the welfare of the community designing and implementing quality projects in this rural area.

Darb Ain Ebel (the hiking trail) was designed, implemented, and currently managed by AWFA. 
The main purpose behind the project is to preserve and promote our archaeological and cultural heritage alongside with the nature surrounding the village. Darb Ain Ebel combines agricultural and touristic aspects by developing agrotourism, where visitors could explore the hiking trail and purchase locally-grown produce from the community.

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Dareb Ain Ebel
Ain Ebel
# Guide local
Ain Ebel
# Guide local
Ain Ebel
# Guide local
Ain Ebel
# Guide local
Ain Ebel
# Guide local
Ain Ebel
# Guide local
Ain Ebel